3 Tips For Working With a Criminal Defense Attorney
If you’re charged with a crime, your first step should be to hire an Abilene criminal defense attorney. They will be there with you throughout the process to support you. Follow these 3 tips for working with a criminal defense attorney to ensure you receive the fair trial you deserve.
But you have to be there for your attorney as well.
Make the process easier for yourself and your attorney by taking these three tips to heart when working together on your case.
Be Honest and Forthright with Your Criminal Defense Attorney

You must be forthright and honest with your attorney. Answer their questions accurately and divulge any information you think they want to know about your case.
When your attorney knows everything they need to know, they can prepare a solid defense. In addition, they won’t be caught off guard if surprising information is brought up unexpectedly during your trial.

Do Everything They Ask
Do your best to provide all the information and details your Abilene criminal defense attorney asks for. You should also follow their instructions closely, whatever they may be. Whether it’s showing up on time for a meeting, what to wear during the trial, or filling out paperwork, make sure you follow their directions.
Actively Participate in Your Case

Your Abilene criminal defense attorney wants you to be actively involved in your case. That means being honest and doing what they ask, but it also means doing your best to understand how the legal system works.
Take the time to research how plea deals work, know what step is coming up next in the process, and ask questions when you have them. Working with you and defending you is easier for your lawyer when you make it clear you’re invested in the outcome of your case by being involved every step of the way.