Massive Car Pile-Up Leaves 6 Dead
Several 18-wheelers involved in Muti-Car Pile-up
According to an ABC News report, Massive Car Pile-Up Leaves 6 Dead on I-35 in Fort Worth on February 11th. The multiple-car accident involved over 100 vehicles and left several people injured. Emergency workers went car to car, helping extract trapped victims. Sixty-five people suffered injuries, and first responders transported thirty-six people from the site of the catastrophe to the hospital for medical attention. Three of them were reported to be in critical condition.
This terrible car accident involving several 18-wheelers and many other vehicles proves how dangerous driving can be. When Mother Nature adds wintery weather, driving takes on a new level of danger. Drivers should always be more careful when traveling down potentially icy roads. While you can try to be as safe as possible when driving, others may not be inclined to drive as safely as you. Accidents are unintentional by definition; however, just because a person didn’t mean to do something, that doesn’t remove liability.
Determining Faults in Multi-Car Accidents

When many vehicles are involved, determining the fault of the accident can be a lengthy process. And, of course, it is subject to the details of the crash. For instance, one car brakes suddenly to avoid something in the road, and another rear-ends the first. Afterward, more and more cars pile up as a chain reaction of rear-end collisions happens. The second vehicle may be liable for the damages to the first because they did not give proper room to stop safely. At the same time, the second car may not be held liable for damages caused to the third vehicle. Then, so forth and so on down the line of how many cars were involved. Typically, the first car is seldom held responsible, but there are exceptions to this rule. Here’s another example that may have a different outcome. Several vehicles are sitting at a stoplight when an 18-wheeler crashes into the line of stopped cars. The semi-truck driver could be considered the primary offender and liable for multiple damages.
The fact is that each multiple-car accident will come with its own set of circumstances. Depending on the situation, one driver may have twenty percent of the blame placed on his actions, another driver may have thirty percent, and the remaining half is placed on a third party. Because there is so much nuance in these types of wrecks, you may want to consider getting an experienced lawyer’s help.
Insurance Company Involvement

Determining Faults in Multi-Car Accidents can be complex. Multiple insurance companies will also be involved when several cars are in a wreck. If you have an experienced personal injury lawyer, you will have a better chance of getting the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Don’t forget that insurance companies are out to make money. They aren’t just in this business for free. Most companies will try their best to keep the bottom line as profitable as possible, which can entail some shifty behavior. If you have an attorney on your side, you won’t be fighting alone. You will have an ally who knows the games the big insurance companies play and can be the difference between a favorable and unfavorable settlement.
18-Wheeler Accident Lawyer in Odessa, TX
Odessa is a thriving town with several dangerously busy highways running through it. If you have suffered an injury in an 18-wheeler wreck, contact The Galbreath Law Firm to get the dependable, experienced help you need. We offer a free initial consultation so you can speak with us about the details of your accident. Talk to us and see how we can help you move forward with your potential case.