Smiling man giving thumbs up in truck.

Best Truck Accident Attorney In Abilene, TX

Some accidents are relatively uncomplicated and may not need the assistance of an attorney. However, accidents with a commercial truck can be considerably more complex with more serious injuries and damages. As the best truck accident attorney in Abilene, TX, we know that receiving an insurance payout can be tricky, especially if you have high damages.
Hands clasped over a contract in discussion.

How To Choose An Abilene Personal Injury Attorney

Choosing the right Abilene personal injury attorney to handle your case is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. After all, you want someone who will fight for your best interest, ensure that justice has been served in your favor, and recover the maximum amount of compensation for you injuries.
Cup of coffee and a tablet with text.

3 Signs You Need a Criminal Defense Attorney 

It’s obvious that you should hire a criminal defense attorney if you are charged with a crime in Abilene, TX, but you don’t have to be charged in order to give a lawyer a call.

Here are three signs you should seek help from a criminal defense attorney, even if you haven’t been charged with a crime.
Firefighters responding to a vehicle accident.

The Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Texas

Riding a motorcycle is a very different experience compared to driving a car. That can be a good thing and a bad thing. Riding can release adrenaline, which can put you in a great mood, but it can also make you more susceptible to having an accident.
Businessman celebrating victory in boxing gloves.

3 Tips For Working With a Criminal Defense Attorney 

If you’re charged with a crime, your first step should be to hire an Abilene criminal defense attorney. They will be there with you throughout the process to support you, making sure you receive the fair trial you deserve.

But, you have to be there for your attorney as well.

Make the process easier for yourself and your attorney by taking these three tips to heart when you’re working together on your case.
Oil pumps silhouetted against sunset sky.

Common Oil Field Accidents and Injuries in Texas

Texas is responsible for 22 percent of crude oil production in the United States, bringing in $9.9 billion in taxes and royalties as of 2008. Although lucrative and important to our economy, working in an oil field is a dangerous job. Between 2008 and 2017, 1,566 oil and gas workers died on the job, with many more being injured.

The dangers on the oil field are of special interest to lawyers in Pecos, Texas, like Jeff Galbreath, who see the aftermath of these accidents every day. By knowing which accidents are common, and what causes these accidents, they can be avoided.
City skyline with the word "CAUSE" centered.

The Most Common Workplace Injuries

Workplace injuries are always possible, especially if you spend eight or more hours at work every single day. Construction workers, steel workers, and other tradesmen are at risk of experiencing an accident, but you can become injured no matter what kind of job you have. Even office workers are at risk!

Here are a few of the most common workplace injuries, according to an attorney in Abilene, TX.
"Wooden blocks labeled 'Step by Step'"

A Step-By-Step Guide to Recovering After a Truck Accident

Getting into an accident can be traumatic, especially if a truck is involved. Knowing what to do, both physically and financially, can demystify the process so you can focus on recovering.

Here’s the step-by-step process our attorney in Abilene, TX recommends if you’re in a truck accident.
Wooden figures, house, and gavel on table.

What Do Family Lawyers Do? 

The law impacts our lives in many ways on a daily basis. Whether personal or financial, our lives are subjected to laws. At some point, most of us will have to hire an attorney.

It pays to know what kind of attorney you’re looking for when the time comes.

Here’s what family lawyers in Abilene, TX do so you know if hiring one is right for your situation.
Gavel and stethoscope on personal injury law document.

Do I Need a Personal Injury Attorney?

If you’ve been injured on the job, or you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, you’re probably thinking, “I need a personal injury attorney!”

The answer isn’t always as obvious as it seems. Just because you’re injured doesn’t necessarily mean you need to hire an attorney. Or, you may feel fine, but you should consider hiring a lawyer anyway.

So, how do you know if you need a personal injury attorney?