Definition of negligence from a dictionary.

Dog Bite Lawyer in Texas

Dogs are man’s best friend. For that very reason, contacting a dog bite lawyer is an unfortunate reality we do not realize until bitten, mauled, or attacked by an animal. Texas has led the nation for years on dog-bite-related fatalities from mauling’s. Texas ranked the second state with the most reported dog attacks on U.S. postal workers.
When injured by a dog bite or animal attack, it's important to seek legal advice. Domestic animals are the responsibility of their owners.
In the United States, more than a third of households own at least one dog. Additionally, dogs bite millions of Americans each year. At times, people suffering from dog bites seek medical attention. A Texas Dog Bite Lawyer can help in recovering the compensation needed to take care of those medical bills, pain and emotional stress, and loss wages stemming from the animal’s attack.
Your dog bite injury is pursuable in a court of law. Personal Injury Lawyer Jeff Galbreath knows which measures to take when dealing with negligent dog owners.
You can begin healing physically and emotionally knowing Dog Bite Attorney Jeff Galbreath at Galbreath Law Firm is experienced in dog bite cases. The Galbreath Law Firm is located in Abilene, Texas and practices in the following areas, but not limited; to Albany, Anson, Aspermont, Baird, Ballinger, Breckenridge, Brownwood, Cisco, Clyde, Coleman, Colorado City, Comanche, Cross Plains, Early, Hamlin, Haskell, Merkel, Ranger, Rising Star, Rotan, San Angelo, Snyder, Stamford, Sweetwater, Throckmorton, Tuscola, Tye, and Winters.
Contact Dog Bite Lawyer, Jeff Galbreath Right Away.
If you or a family member are injured by a dog due to someone’s negligence, call Galbreath Law Firm now. Personal Injury Lawyer Jeff Galbreath provides free consultations and no fees unless he wins your case. Text or call him now @ 325-829-8000.

oil field injuries

Protecting Oilfield Workers in Odessa and Midland, Texas

At Galbreath Law Firm, we represent victims of oilfield accidents in Odessa and Midland, Texas. Jeff Galbreath is dedicated to fighting for your rights and securing the compensation you deserve for your injury.

Why Choose Galbreath Law Firm?

- **Expertise in Oilfield Accidents**: Handling cases involving oilfield explosions, on-the-job injuries, and workplace accidents.
- **No Win, No Fee**: Our contingency fee arrangement means you pay absolutely nothing unless we win your case.
- **Comprehensive Compensation**: We fight for coverage of medical bills, funeral costs, recovery for families and children, and future income loss.

Our Commitment
We hold negligent parties accountable and strive to secure maximum compensation for our clients. Our goal is to help you rebuild your life after an injury or accident.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an oilfield accident, contact Jeff Galbreath at Galbreath Law Firm for a free consultation.

Call us today at 325-829-8000 or visit our website at

Navigating Holiday Traffic: Tips for Avoiding Accidents and What to Do If You're Involved

Navigating Holiday Traffic:

The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration, and spending quality moments with loved ones. However, it also increases road traffic, leading to a higher risk of accidents. As families embark on their journeys to celebrate the festivities, it's crucial to be aware of the potential dangers of holiday traffic. In this blog, you will find several tips for navigating holiday traffic. Additionally, we will shed light on how Galbreath Law Firm can provide the necessary legal support following a holiday traffic accident.
Gavel and stethoscope on personal injury law document.

Do I Need a Personal Injury Attorney?

If you’ve been injured on the job, or you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, you’re probably thinking, “I need a personal injury attorney!”

The answer isn’t always as obvious as it seems. Just because you’re injured doesn’t necessarily mean you need to hire an attorney. Or, you may feel fine, but you should consider hiring a lawyer anyway.

So, how do you know if you need a personal injury attorney?
Hand writing "Personal Injury Law" in notebook.

Understanding Personal Injury Lawsuits

Do you know what you would do if you or a family member suffered a catastrophic injury? Let’s face it; the world is a scary enough place without thinking of all the bad things that can happen.
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Why Should I Hire a Personal Injury Attorney?

You may ask yourself why you need to hire a personal injury attorney. The simple answer is that a lawyer is experienced in handling cases of personal injury, but the longer, more complicated answer is manifold. First off, a professional lawyer knows what the insurance companies are looking for when it comes to personal injury claims.
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How Safe are Food Trucks?

Apparently, there was a bit of a squabble between a food truck owner and a local business. The fight, which played out on social media, has a couple different sides, depending on who is doing the talking.
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Busy Sweetwater Intersection Causing Trouble

There is an intersection with Interstate 20 in Sweetwater that seems to build up traffic at certain times, causing problems for travelers and residents. According to an article by Big Country Homepage, State Highway 70 intersects with I-20 and during any time that has an increase of traffic, you may find a traffic jam.
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Deadly Car Accident on I-20 in Callahan County

A car accident that ended in the death of a young man happened along Interstate 20 on Monday, February 11th. The crash occurred while the man was traveling westbound along I-20. According to the TDPS press release, he lost control of his vehicle while passing another car on the wet road and hit a guardrail.
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Getting Ready for Winter Driving

Supposedly, this winter is going to be one of the harshest we have seen in a few years. While that remains to be seen (I've heard this for the past three mild winters), it's always a good idea to be prepared for it.
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