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18-Wheeler Accident Ends in Arrest

An 18-wheeler accident occurred on March 19th in Odessa, TX which resulted in the death of one driver and the hospitalization of another. According to the investigation done by the Odessa Police Department, the driver of the 18-wheeler failed to control his speed at the time of the accident.
Hands framing the word "FACTS" among myths.

18-Wheeler Accident List of Facts

18-Wheelers go by several different names. You have probably heard them all but they are also known as semis, big-rigs, commercial trucks, tractor-trailers, or even semitrailers. These giant machines are an integral part of society as they are used to deliver goods and supplies across the country.
Hand holding a megaphone with "CAUSES."

Common 18-Wheeler Accident Causes

Automobile accidents can cause problems that range from irritating to life-changing. 18-Wheeler accidents, on the other hand, have a higher capacity to cause catastrophic injuries or end a person's life. These behemoths of the highways can cause severe damage to life and property due to their large size and mass.
Severely damaged trucks after a collision.

18-wheeler Accident Results in Fatality

On February 11th, 9th, an 18-wheeler failed to yield the right of way to a passenger vehicle. Troopers responded to the site of the crash which happened north of Monahans on State Highway 18 and Loop 464.
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Why Should I Hire a Personal Injury Attorney?

You may ask yourself why you need to hire a personal injury attorney. The simple answer is that a lawyer is experienced in handling cases of personal injury, but the longer, more complicated answer is manifold. First off, a professional lawyer knows what the insurance companies are looking for when it comes to personal injury claims.
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Driver Injured in Rainy Day Crash

In a recent report by San Angelo Live, an auto accident occurred near the intersection of Jackson Street and Arroyo Friday morning that left one driver injured. The officers that investigated the scene said it appeared that the driver of a black passenger car pulled out in front of a white van.
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Stormy Weather and Insurance Claims Disputes

This year, it seems the cooler temperatures are really trying to hang on for dear life. For some people, that maybe a great thing, but for anyone who likes the warmer weather, they may feel a bit cheated. This is Texas, however, so I am sure this summer will more than make up for any lost time.
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Fiery 18-Wheeler Accident Send One Person to Hospital

A Stretch of Highway 71 near Brady, TX became the scene of an 18-wheeler accident the set the truck ablaze and sent one person to the hospital on April 30th. At approximately 10 in the morning, the Brady fire and EMS arrived to help at the truck accident.
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Child Injured in San Angelo Auto Accident

A rainy day car wreck left an injured child and adult in its wake on April 24th, according to San Angelo Live. The accident occurred Wednesday morning at the intersection of Washington and Irving in San Angelo.
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How Safe are Food Trucks?

Apparently, there was a bit of a squabble between a food truck owner and a local business. The fight, which played out on social media, has a couple different sides, depending on who is doing the talking.