Navigating Holiday Traffic: Tips for Avoiding Accidents and What to Do If You're Involved

Navigating Holiday Traffic:

The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration, and spending quality moments with loved ones. However, it also increases road traffic, leading to a higher risk of accidents. As families embark on their journeys to celebrate the festivities, it's crucial to be aware of the potential dangers of holiday traffic. In this blog, you will find several tips for navigating holiday traffic. Additionally, we will shed light on how Galbreath Law Firm can provide the necessary legal support following a holiday traffic accident.
Gavel and stethoscope on personal injury law document.

Do I Need a Personal Injury Attorney?

If you’ve been injured on the job, or you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, you’re probably thinking, “I need a personal injury attorney!”

The answer isn’t always as obvious as it seems. Just because you’re injured doesn’t necessarily mean you need to hire an attorney. Or, you may feel fine, but you should consider hiring a lawyer anyway.

So, how do you know if you need a personal injury attorney?
Car accident with damaged vehicles parked.

One Killed – Six Injured in Multiple Car Accident

On May 4th, a man driving down the wrong side of the road crashed into a truck head-on which resulted in the death of the truck driver. Edinburg Police stated that the man was driving down the wrong lanes on North Expressway 281 around 4:30 in the morning.
Vehicle overturned with crowds nearby.

Man Killed in Odessa Car Accident

On May 5th, an Odessa man was killed in a fatal crash. According to the DPS report, the man was traveling on Farm to Market Road 1936 in his Nissan Altima when he attempted to pass a Ford Edge. While passing, he crashed into the Ford and left the road where his vehicle began to roll.
Car with a flat tire and jack.

Tire Maintenance and Car Safety

Automobiles are such a part of everyday life, that we forget how complex they are. Hundreds of parts, if not thousands, are working in unison to help you get from point A to point B. While a typical driver may not have extensive knowledge regarding how cars and trucks work, that doesn’t mean you get to ignore routine vehicle maintenance.
Heavy traffic on a busy highway.

Holiday Car Accident Statistics

Traveling in Texas is a little bit different than in other, smaller states. While there are plenty of other states in the nation that have massive amounts of square mileage, not too many have the population ratio that Texas does.
Two damaged cars in a collision.

Deadly Stonewall County Car Accident

According to an article on the Big Country Homepage news site, a driver lost her life in a car accident involving two vehicles. The accident occurred east of Aspermont at the intersection of State Highway 283 and Farm to Market Road 1835.
Two cars involved in a serious accident.

Abilene Car Accident Leaves Three Injured

According to KTXS - 12, three people were harmed in a crash that occurred when two vehicles crashed into each other on Butternut St. in South Abilene. Around 4:45 in the afternoon, one vehicle tried to cross Butternut via S13th St., but their view was blocked by a truck and they were struck by another vehicle traveling south on Butternut.
Car crashed into a tree, rainy day.

Single-Vehicle Accidents

If it’s just one vehicle involved in a crash, it has to be the fault of the driver who was operating the car, right? In some instances, it would be their fault, but there are times where it’s out of the control of the driver that they ended up in a wreck.
Traffic on snowy road with pine trees.

Holidays are an Increased Time for Accidents

While the holiday season is about to come to an end, there is still a little time left. It’s during this wind-down, where a lot of people are coming home from their Christmas vacation. That means that traffic will be heavier than usual along the Interstate highways.
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