Hand writing "Personal Injury Law" in notebook.

Understanding Personal Injury Lawsuits

Do you know what you would do if you or a family member suffered a catastrophic injury? Let’s face it; the world is a scary enough place without thinking of all the bad things that can happen.
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Why Should I Hire a Personal Injury Attorney?

You may ask yourself why you need to hire a personal injury attorney. The simple answer is that a lawyer is experienced in handling cases of personal injury, but the longer, more complicated answer is manifold. First off, a professional lawyer knows what the insurance companies are looking for when it comes to personal injury claims.
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How Safe are Food Trucks?

Apparently, there was a bit of a squabble between a food truck owner and a local business. The fight, which played out on social media, has a couple different sides, depending on who is doing the talking.
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Deadly Car Accident on I-20 in Callahan County

A car accident that ended in the death of a young man happened along Interstate 20 on Monday, February 11th. The crash occurred while the man was traveling westbound along I-20. According to the TDPS press release, he lost control of his vehicle while passing another car on the wet road and hit a guardrail.
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Company Recalls Medication over Cancer Concerns

An unacceptable level of N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) is the reason a pharmaceutical company is recalling two more lots of Losartan potassium tablets and increasing the total number of lots to ten.
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Getting Ready for Winter Driving

Supposedly, this winter is going to be one of the harshest we have seen in a few years. While that remains to be seen (I've heard this for the past three mild winters), it's always a good idea to be prepared for it.
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Abilene Pedestrian Killed in Auto Accident

Big Country News reported on September 12, 2018, that a man from Abilene, Texas was struck by a vehicle in South Abilene in the early afternoon. Unfortunately, the man died from the injuries he sustained in the accident.
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Investigation Continues for Cyclist Killed on S. 27th in Abilene

According to an article by Big Country Homepage,  Ann Gist was unfortunately struck by a driver and killed in South Abilene back in March while riding a bicycle. The accident occurred in the 3200 of S. 27th St. where police reportedly responded to a terrible accident which resulted in Ms. Gist’s death.
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Tire Blamed For Deadly Car Accident

A recent article on the Big Country Homepage states that a tire may be the cause of a crash that took the life of one person and injures two others. The accident occurred on Monday night on I-20 just east of Colorado City.
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Cow is the Cause of Deadly Automobile Accident

An article released on December 4th, 2017, stated that a woman from Winters, TX was involved in a deadly crash in Runnels County on Thursday night. Initial reports indicate that a stray cow may the potential cause of the fiery crash that claimed Doris Jean Morrison's life.